“If you want to inspire the next generation you must first meet them, reach them, teach them from where they are and only then can you take them to new adventures and new destinations. The joy of reading is the first step in this journey toward new adventures and new destinations.”
- Edward W. Bullock, 2022
Edward W. Bullock is a husband, father and grandfather (Pop-Pop) to three beautiful granddaughters. After his retirement from the world’s largest cosmetic company, Loreal, as Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, Mr. Bullock considered writing children’s books. He would often visit local schools and read for Read Across America and Drop Everything and Read. Over the last decade Mr. Bullock has read to over 500 elementary school children throughout Trenton and the Mercer County area.
As the president of the Trenton Literacy Movement, he has observed first hand that there are not enough children’s books that capture the experience of children that look like us or that have us as the main character. He was further inspired after attending a Juneteenth celebration in Trenton, New Jersey and speaking to two authors of children’s books who encouraged him to write his own children’s picture books...and the rest is history.
Edward W. Bullock and Lester deliver commencement speech to the kindergarten graduation class at Little Peoples College in 1996, on the theme of “You can be anything you want to be, even President of the United States of America”. In 2008 our first African American President was elected.